Introduction to Pilates
Tuesday, Feb. 20th from 9 - 10 am

Join Robin Dibble next Tuesday, February 20th from 9-10 a.m. for a special FREE introduction to a new Pilates class we will be offering at the Minong Center, LLC. 
Pilates emphasizes your body’s core — the abdomen, obliques, lower back, inner and outer thigh, butt, and so on--but also focuses on alignment, posture, leg strength and spinal flexion/extension. For this reason, Pilates develops much of what exercisers need — strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, coordination, balance, and good posture — with a much lower chance of injury than with other forms of exercise. The discipline emphasizes correct form instead of going for the burn. Pilates moves require you to engage virtually your whole body. At times, you may try to strengthen one muscle while stretching or moving another (stablization with mobilization). The moves take lots of concentration, thus there is a definite mind-body connection. Pilates is available to anyone because modifications for easier or harder are readily available. 

Not to be confused with Yoga, which focuses on flexibility and broad muscle groups, Pilates classes focus on strength, muscle toning, body control, and flexibility, with the main emphasis being core strength. 

Exercises will be performed standing, sitting, and lying. Also, should be prepared to be barefoot and wear comfortable semi-fitted or fitted clothing. A mat will be required for floor exercises, so bring your own or use mats available at the Center.