Art Class - Jack - O - Lantern Mason Jar
Tuesday, Oct. 15th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Jack Link's Aquatic & Activity Center


Mason Jars can be used for more than just preserving food!
They're the perfect blank canvas for a variety of craft projects - including Halloween decorations!
In this class we will be creating a fun and easy Jack-O-Lantern out of a mason jar just in time for Halloween.
Choose to fill it with candy or even a candle!

This class is open for all ages. Youth should be able to respectfully and responsibly use supplies and follow directions.

Class time may vary due to number of participants.
Registration closes the day before at noon. Prices go up 2 days before the class.

Register at our Welcome Desk or online here:

Members: $8
Non-members: $12

Image may contain: fire